May 31, 2018 | Scoutingwire
Kennedy Clutter isn’t afraid of a challenge. In fact, she’s the first in line when it comes to taking on activities she’s never experienced before. Kennedy was the first girl to join her local Mecklenburg County Council Cub Scout pack and is among thousands of other... May 31, 2018 | Scouting Newsroom
Xavier M. developed an Eagle project that constructed hammocks for gorillas, chimpanzees and a cheetah at the Biopark’s Rio Grande Zoo. Photo credit: KRQE A young man with a passion for helping animals came up with a novel idea to make living conditions for animals at... May 31, 2018 | Bryan on Scouting
When a young person joins the Boy Scouts of America, one of the first things he or she learns is the Scout Oath, and every member starts the Oath the same way: “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God …” The wording was not created at random. Duty to God... May 31, 2018 | Boy's Life
Introducing Nintendo Labo, new Switch accessories that you make. Here’s how Labo works. WHAT IS LABO? Imagine Lego meets model airplanes and you get Nintendo Labo. It is a series of kits that let you build your own gaming accessories. Those accessories (like a fishing... May 31, 2018 | Bryan on Scouting
The Boy Scouts of America’s national board last week elected two new volunteers to join our National Key 3. Jim Turley, the former chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young who has served as a Scouting volunteer for nearly 25 years, has been elected national chair. Ellie...