Apr 24, 2017 | District News
Share The News: Click here if you would like to send this information to one or more friends. Your friends will not be added to any mailing list. Session1: June 16-18 Session 2: June 23-25 Session 3: June 30 – July 2 Session 4: July 7 -9 Session1: June 12-15... Apr 13, 2017 | Scouting Magazine
Emergency Situation: A spring overnight campout in the White Mountains of New Hampshire is a quiet and peaceful respite. It’s also a cold one. As temperatures dip, you fire up your camp stove to boil water. You accidentally tip the pot and hot water scalds your hand.... Apr 13, 2017 | Scouting Magazine
Scouting adventures don’t have to end when the sun goes down. Expand beyond the campfire ring with after-dark activities that spark imaginations, increase awareness and build around-the-clock confidence in the outdoors. Here are some ideas to try on your next campout.... Apr 13, 2017 | Scouting Magazine
When Debbie Gulledge worked at the Philmont Training Center in the 1990s, she went hiking weekly with Webelos Scout to Philmont’s fossilized Tyrannosaurus rex footprint. The first week, she recalls, the boys spent the entire hike looking at the ground and talking... Apr 13, 2017 | Scouting Magazine
Short on supplies? No problem! Use these tips for hosting a raingutter regatta using recycled materials. WHEN PACK 722’s Bear den leader was called out of town on business last spring, Committee Chairman Jeff Crump had to find a substitute activity. Fast. He didn’t...