Jan 31, 2020 | Bryan on Scouting
The first rule of Pack 1855’s Hiking Club: Don’t forget the snacks. But a few months after launching their new plan to take a hike every month, Pack 1855 leaders realized something amazing. They saw their Cub Scouts weren’t begging for the next snack... Jan 30, 2020 | Bryan on Scouting
Let’s go racing, Cub Scouts! It’s Pinewood Derby time, when Scouts turn blocks of wood into fierce and fun race cars. It’s a tradition that dates back to 1953, and today, it’s a very popular Cub Scout activity. Be sure to check out what’s... Jan 29, 2020 | Boy's Life
The heart knot is easy to tie, and you can use it to make a necklace, bracelet or keychain. It makes a great gift for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or birthdays. WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO MAKE A HEART KNOT 3 feet of rope, paracord or leather lacing Tape... Jan 29, 2020 | Scoutingwire
Congratulations to Jesse Lopez, who will serve as Scout executive of the Aloha Council in Honolulu, Hawaii, effective January 16, 2020. Jesse began his Scouting career as a district executive at the Monterey Bay Area Council in Salinas, California. He moved on to... Jan 29, 2020 | Bryan on Scouting
The classic holiday tune “O Christmas Tree” calls those branches “lovely.” But one Scouts BSA troop has another description for those leafy holiday evergreens: instrumental in the effort to stabilize and grow sand dunes on the Outer Banks of...