Critical COVID-19 Safety Reminder from BSA

The Scouting community has shown remarkable resilience through this pandemic: units have continued providing vital, socially distant community service, volunteers have facilitated merit badge classes online and outdoors, and thousands of young people have even...

A Look at Our History and Our Future

Scouting Family:   On February 8th, I’m going to wear my Scouting uniform, and I encourage you all to do the same as we celebrate the Boy Scouts of America’s 111th birthday.  It’s a moment to acknowledge the contributions made by millions of young people and adults to...

Celebrating the Silver Lining of a Challenging Year

As we look back on this year, it is easy to see the challenges that have become synonymous with 2020. While these challenges are significant, I believe they are outnumbered by the joy, opportunity and hope that surrounded us.  After all, this was the year when we...