Article contributed by Owen McCulloch, National Venturing and Sea Scouting Director

In November 2019, the US Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCG-AUX) announced their new national official youth program: Sea Scouts BSA.  There are over 800 USCG-AUX flotillas (like a council) across the USA (except ND, SD, WY…sorry!), and each of them has been asked by their national organization to start a new Sea Scout ship (unit) with the BSA.

We’ve got a page dedicated to answering questions about how this works:, and have held multiple webinars with the USCG-AUX letting them know how to start a Sea Scout ship.  There are also lots of resources available on the national Sea Scouting webpage to help you.

For more information on how councils can take advantage of this new national relationship please watch this 8-minute video:, and email [email protected] for more assistance.

Get “on board” with this exciting new membership initiative and start a Sea Scout ship in your area. Just add water!

Scouting Wire would like to thank Owen for submitting this article. Photo: Map of USCG-AUX flotilla contacts across the USA.

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