Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, Northeast Illinois Council, Pearson, Wis.

Last summer, a severe thunderstorm hit Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation, shearing off trees, uprooting tents and sending branches crashing into buildings. Thanks to the help of devoted volunteers, the camp will be open for business this year.

Stretching across 1,500 acres of beautiful forest, six lakes and one creek, Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan is home to two full-service camps, a wilderness camp, a high-adventure base and a horse ranch. The program areas offer activities such as aquatics, handicraft, Scoutcraft, shooting sports, climbing, horseback riding, cycling and zip lines.

At Triangle M Ranch, horses are available for the Horsemanship merit badge and trail rides. Also, at the cycling base, a fleet of fat-tire bikes are perfect for tackling Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan’s trails, which range from beginner to advanced. Troops and individuals alike may sign up for longer trail rides in the afternoons.

The Trailblazer program is for first-year campers. The Pinnacle program is designed for older Scouts.

Scouting Magazine’s Cool Camps Series

Not all Scout camps are created equal. Sure, each offers a terrific program to entertain and challenge Scouts, but every Scout camp has unique program elements that make it special. Scouting magazine has scoured the country to find some of the coolest Scout camps around. Check out the full list, and be sure to leave a comment if you’ve visited one of these Cool Camps.

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