Introduced in 2014, Venturing’s awards don’t yet have the same name recognition as the Arrow of Light or Eagle Scout Award. But, like their better-known siblings, Venturing’s awards offer young people a clear path to follow and recognition for their accomplishments. Venturers can earn four core awards (Venturing, Discovery, Pathfinder and Summit) and three specialty awards (Ranger, Quest and TRUST). Here are answers to some common questions.
What is the ALPS model?
Each core award (aside from the introductory Venturing Award) includes requirements related to adventure, leadership, personal development and service. Those are the four pillars around which crews construct fun and rewarding programs.
What do the awards emphasize?
Each award focuses on a specific area: for the Venturing Award, it’s joining; for Discovery, participation; for Pathfinder, leadership; and for Summit, mentoring.
The requirements mention Tiers of Adventure. What’s that?
In essence, Tier I adventures are easy daytrips that require little preparation, like a visit to a climbing gym or a bowling night. Tier II adventures require some planning and might take a weekend, like a three-day camping trip or staging a music and dance event for a nursing home. Tier III adventures take at least four days, require extensive planning, and are mentally and physically challenging. They might include a 50-mile backpacking trip or organizing a sports camp for kids with disabilities.
How do the specialty awards fit in?
Venturers who want to delve more deeply into particular topics can pursue the Ranger Award (high adventure and the outdoors), the Quest Award (health and fitness) and the TRUST Award (through which they learn about themselves, their communities, and religion and culture). TRUST stands for Tending, Respecting, Understanding, Serving and Transforming.
Can a Venturer get dual credit for requirements?
In some cases. In Venturing, activities completed to satisfy the requirements of a core award may also be used to satisfy the requirements of a specialty award. Also, if a young person is registered as both a Scout and a Venturer, work done toward a merit badge could satisfy corresponding requirements in Venturing.
So a Venturer can work on Boy Scout/Scouts BSA requirements?
Yes, a Venturer can work on requirements for both programs while registered in both. Once dual-registered Venturers reach First Class in Boy Scouts/Scouts BSA, they may work on Boy Scouts/Scouts BSA requirements while only registered with the crew. In other words, they do not need to maintain dual registration, though they could. In this way, Venturers could work on merit badges and advancement toward Eagle while registered only with a crew.
What is the Venturing Summit Award service project?
To earn the Summit Award, a Venturer must plan and conduct a project that meets a community need and represents significant personal growth. Think of it as the Venturing equivalent of the Eagle Scout project.
Can a Summit project count as an Eagle project?
No. It must be different from one carried out for the Eagle Scout Award or the Sea Scout Quartermaster Award.
Do Venturing awards require a board of review?
The Discovery, Pathfinder and Summit awards do. The Discovery and Pathfinder boards are conducted by the Venturer’s fellow crew members, with adults present in an advisory role. The Summit board is led by a district or council representative and includes a mix of Venturers and Advisors.
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