Despite recent media coverage, it is important to clarify that the Boy Scouts of America does not promote the policies that Trail Life USA recently published.
Our expectation regarding the behavior of BSA youth members and adult leaders remains the same as it is for when they are at every other BSA program or event. The BSA is focused on directing our energy to all our youth and families around the values found in the Scout Oath and Law and what we do best – character, outdoor adventure and leadership.
The World Scout Jamboree is an official program of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. As a world Scouting event, WOSM previously established the requirements and guidelines.
The World Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement has offered the following clarification:
The 2019 World Scout Jamboree will focus Scouts from around the world on personal development, faith and beliefs, sustainability, adventure and other topics that cross cultural lines. Scouting’s founder Lord Baden-Powell of Great Britain believed that bringing youth of the world together would help foster greater cultural awareness, acceptance and cooperation.
The 2019 World Scout Jamboree is being planned with this spirit in mind and planning is currently underway between the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the three National Scout Organizations who are co-hosting the event – Scouts Canada, the Scout Association of Mexico and the Boy Scouts of America.
The World Scout Jamboree organizing team has worked with the co-host countries to align these previously set requirements, which have been in existence for more than two World Scout Jamborees, in a manner that is respectful to local laws and preferences.
Given that the vast majority of the attendees, adults and youth, male and female, will be from all over the world, the 2019 World Scout Jamboree host countries arranged with WOSM so that the host facility could adhere to the existing health requirements developed to address the needs of international health norms in a manner more aligned with local practices. For instance, alcohol will NOT be offered at the 2019 World Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve.
The post Clarifying Misinformation About 2019 World Scout Jamboree Policies appeared first on Scouting Newsroom.
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