BSA Membership Fee Increase Details and FAQ

For more than 100 years, Scouting has helped build future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun and adventure in the outdoors. At Boy Scouts of America, we are dedicated to developing leaders of character by preparing young men and...
How Do You Clean a Bugle?

How Do You Clean a Bugle?

Q: How do you clean a bugle that hasn’t been used for several years? — Michael, Cold Spring Harbor, New York A: Dunk the bugle in soapy water and lightly scrub the outside with a washcloth. To clean hard-to-reach places inside, use a flexible cleaning brush, often...
How to Make a Paper Tube Flashlight

How to Make a Paper Tube Flashlight

Learn how electricity works — safely — by building this DIY flashlight. WHAT YOU NEED TO BUILD A FLASHLIGHT 3-volt flashlight bulb Two D batteries Two 5-inch No. 22 insulated copper wires with at least 1/2-inch insulation stripped off ends Pocketknife, utility knife...