How to recognize and treat frostnip

How to recognize and treat frostnip

Emergency Situation: While hiking in Utah’s beautiful and famously snowy Wasatch Mountains, you accidentally step in a snow-covered stream. The water isn’t deep, but it is cold. Very, very cold. Forced to hike out with wet feet, after half an hour you begin to feel...
What if not following a rule is the better move?

What if not following a rule is the better move?

The Dilemma Scoutmaster Donnelly imposes a lot of rules on the members of Troop 74, and his ban on cellphones on campouts is perhaps the most important — and most ignored. Scouts who can’t remember a time without cellphones chafe at this restriction and often sneak...
Chivalry isn’t dead for modern-day knights

Chivalry isn’t dead for modern-day knights

As a self-proclaimed tomboy, Heather Haupt was sure she would rock what she calls “the boy mom thing.” Then she had three sons — boys who never tired of engaging in mud battles, playing football in the house and pretending to be superheroes. (They might have even told...