Trail of Tears Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills
November 11-13, 2016
Tennessee National Guard Training Center, Smyrna, TN
This hands-on program gives adult Boy Scout leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to assist and guide Scouts in the out-of-doors.
Imagine having hands-on knowledge setting up a campsite, pitching a tent, hiking, outdoor cooking – all the skill necessary to see the outdoor program of the Boy Scouts of America come to life. Participants leave the training experience knowing they can show their Scouts how to accomplish outdoor skills while fulfilling rank requirements through First Class.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone interested in learning how to set up camp, cook, work with woods tools and ropes, as well as first aid. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills will focus on these basic Scoutcraft Skills. You will also learn information on: Planning campfire programs, Map reading & Compass skills, Hiking & Packing techniques, Nature identification, and Leave No Trace Principles.
IOLS is the Outdoor requirement of the Position Specific training for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmaster. To be considered a Trained Leader, this course is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters who have not previously attended the Scout Leader Basic course. The course is also a prerequisite for attending Wood Badge for these positions.
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is also a great training opportunity for Venturing Advisors, 2nd Year Webelos Leaders, Troop Committee members and others who desire to improve their ability to know and help teach basic outdoor skills.
TOT OLS will be conducted at the National Guard Training Center, Smyrna, TN. Friday evening 6 PM until Sunday Noon 12:00 PM. The fee will be $40 per participant and will include course materials, a course T-Shirt and food. After registration you will be sent a participant information letter with a list of individual and patrol camping gear and cooking equipment you and your patrol will need to bring.
You can register by logging onto
If you have questions, please contact any of the following:
Jim Whitehead, Scoutmaster, [email protected], 615-809-6367
Debra Johnson, ASM Registration/Program, [email protected] 615-943-8332
Jason Flannery, DE, [email protected], 615-294-0865