The Boy Scouts of America’s program for 5 and 6-year-olds has families around the country thrilled to get their kindergarten-age boys started in Scouting.

We listened to families already in the program, as they shared reasons Lions may be a good fit for your family this fall. Check out the information below to see what they had to say.



Why Parents Love the Lion Pilot Program

This exciting program gets kids active and develops Scouting-caliber character in kindergarten-age boys. It’s no surprise parents pointed to these key aspects of the program as crowd favorites:

  • Lions start the adventure sooner, cultivating creativity, imagination, and friendships early.
  • The focus is fun with a big emphasis on character development.
  • The Lions program promotes family, courage, and making good choices.

Why Join the Lion Pilot Program this Year?

The 2017-2018 year promises new adventures for Lions, like – the Pinewood Derby! This year, dens can offer options for Lion participation in the big race. Lions may send wedge cars down the track, and some dens may choose to create their own cars made out of vegetables.

Lions will also have their very own page in Boys’ Life magazine! Moms and dads can share in the Scouting fun and use this page as a reading tool to share with their Scouts.

And back by popular demand: the Lions uniform will continue to allow Scouts to wear a program T-shirt. This option allows Lions to bond with their dens and represent Scouting in style. Parents can opt to wear this T-shirt, too!

Interested in learning more about the Lion Pilot Program? Head to to find a Lion den near you!


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