Not long ago, Miriam C. was spending her time attending her brother Kolbie’s Cub Scout meetings, hoping she’d one day have the opportunity to do the same things he was doing – and get the official recognition for it. 

“I didn’t think it was fair that boys got to do all the fun activities,” she said. “I wanted girls to learn how to do stuff like that.”

Now, as a result of the BSA’s historic move to welcome girls into the Cub Scout program, Miriam is able to earn everything her brother did, and she’s able to join him in pursuit of earning the rank of Eagle Scout.

The Salt Lake Tribune captured the story of how Miriam started as a Webelos Scout as part of the Early Adopter program in the Great Salt Lake Council in Utah. In fact, her family drives 45 minutes one-way each week so she can take part.

It’s an experience Miriam doesn’t take lightly. In the three months she’s been involved, she has already earned 11 Cub Scout achievements, including Webelos Walkabout, Cast Iron Chef, and First Responder. 

Recently, she and some of the other girls in the den were working on helping her brother Kolbie on his Eagle Scout project, but it won’t be long before Miriam has the opportunity to begin work on earning the rank of Eagle Scout herself. Next year, when the Scouts BSA program opens, Miriam plans to transition to a Scouts BSA troop, where she can start working through the ranks.

“This is opening up a new arena, or a new area, for girls to explore and to participate,” said Miriam’s mother Patricia. “We want our girls to be strong. We want our girls to be leaders. This just opens up another avenue for our girls to excel and grow.”

Miriam’s father Darwin is her Scout leader, and he offered some words of encouragement to the girls at a recent meeting.

“This is the start of your own Eagle Scout journey,” he told them. 

It’s a journey Miriam and other girls like her are excited to take. 

(photo credit: Francisco Kjolseth, The Salt Lake Tribune)

The post Utah Cub Scout is Thriving in Her Pack appeared first on Scouting Wire.

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