Hey Trail of Tears

As we are gearing up for the new year of Scouting. We wanted to give everyone the opportunity to get trained and kick the year off right . Saturday August 12 at MTSU James E Walker library room 272 form 10am-1pm. We are offering Specific leadership training for Cub Scouts. If you have some leaders that need trained this year this would be a good start to getting the knowledge. We will also be offering a Stem program for our Scouts so bring your children as they would be learning how to make games like MINECRAFT, STAR WARS, LEGOS AND HOTWHEELS. So come out and take advantage of this Sat.

Sorry for the short notice. If you could please share this with all your leaders.

Jason Flannery

Trail of Tears District Executive

Middle Tennessee Council

615-294-0865 Mobile

615-463-6295 Office

615-297-9916 Fax

This is Scouting Check out this Awesome video of Summer Camp at Boxwell


2017-08-12 STEM & Cub Scout Training.pdf