When Chip and Wendy Waggoner took parenting advice from their son’s doctor, they changed the course of his life forever.
The advice? Treat your son like a normal kid.
Benjamin has spina bifida. And now, he’s achieved Scouting’s highest rank.
His journey to Eagle Scout took a ton of work. But this Scout overcame challenges in much the same way any volunteer or Scout faces roadblocks: with the support of the Scouting community.
Benjamin explained how important it was to have the support of volunteers and his fellow Scouts.
“To me, Scouting is all about that — just helping people be successful,” he said.
Benjamin’s dad works as a traffic reporter on the Dallas-Fort Worth Fox affiliate. He recently shared his amazement at Benjamin’s accomplishments.
“I’ve been through a lot in my life. I think few would expect to see something like this in existence … a kid in a wheelchair [become] an Eagle Scout,” he told FOX 4.
You can check out Benjamin’s story in the video below and on the BSA Brand Center. There, you can download the video to share this young man’s incredible accomplishments with parents, new Scouts, your social media followers or anyone who could use a great message about the perseverance and grit of Scouts!
Even though Benjamin’s parents built their son’s upbringing on the notion of being a normal kid, when he become Eagle Scout 527 in Troop 890, he proved he isn’t normal. He’s extraordinary!
Share your support for Benjamin below in the comments! And be sure give a shout out to the Scouts you know who have accomplished the incredible.
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