Michael Yerger, a contestant on the 36th season of the CBS reality show Survivor, is an Eagle Scout.

Yerger, who was 18 when Survivor: Ghost Island was filmed in the summer of 2017 in Fiji, is trying to be the youngest person ever to win Survivor.

In his official bio on the CBS website, Yerger shows pride in his Scouting background.

He writes that his personal claim to fame is “earning Eagle Scout, the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America.”

Yerger even has a tattoo on his chest that says “On my honor …” — undoubtedly a reference to the Scout Oath.

Class of 2016 Eagle Scout

Yerger earned Eagle on July 21, 2016, as part of Troop 20 of Knoxville, Tenn., part of the Great Smoky Mountain Council. His season of Survivor began filming about a year later.

These days Yerger is a model and real estate agent living in Los Angeles. He hopes to take home the $1 million prize and title of “Sole Survivor.”

Survivor: Ghost Island airs at 8 p.m. (7 p.m. Central) Wednesdays on CBS.

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