You can now review rosters and advancement information for any unit in your council. 

The new Internet Advancement web platform is specially designed for both council employees and unit leaders to track and record unit advancements. The platform was built to optimize unit management and includes features that enable council employees or leaders to record the same advancement for many youth at once. 

You don’t have to wait to try out this new tool because Internet Advancement is now field ready and optimized so you can use your mobile device or desktop to review the progress of your council’s units. 

How to Access Internet Advancement

  1. Visit & Bookmark:
  2. Log in with your my.scouting account tied to your council role

View more instructions and how-to tips here, including how to record advancements and how to set up access for council professionals.

The post Internet Advancement Access Available for Councils appeared first on Scouting Wire.

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