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Trail of Tears District – Cub Scout Baloo Training
September 24, 2016
Bring a chair for sitting and dress for the weather
BALOO: Time 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Lunch will be provided.)
Please pre-register for this training by emailing or calling only:
Please register by Sept 20th, using this form.
Cost: $10.00 per person cash or check. Checks payable to Linda Veach
Place: McKnight Park @ the pavilion (Behind Sports.Com)
2302 Memorial Blvd, Murfreesboro, TN
There is a BALOO manual; your Pack only needs one for your resources.
You can purchase the BALOO manual at the scout shop (optional)
Email: [email protected] or call Cell 615-848-4848 for questions
The one-day session will give your pack’s outdoor activity leader the tools to conduct a safe and successful overnight camping experience. A member of your pack must be BALOO trained for Pack camping.
• Apply the six steps of planning to planning a pack campout
• Understand the camping equipment needs of an individual and a group of Cub Scouts.
• Demonstrate the proper ingredients of a successful campfire program.
• Describe applicable safety standards for fire, water, and weather considerations.
• Explain how the outdoor program runs progressively through different age levels of Scouting.
• Demonstrate knowledge of foil cooking practices.
• Understand the focus of Cub Scout level outdoor cooking.
• Describe health, safety and sanitation procedures for outdoor activities.
• Organize and lead different types of nature hikes with confidence.
• Demonstrate and supervise the lighting and operation of different styles of camp stoves and lanterns.
• Describe the advantages of using stoves over campfire style cooking.
• Have fun on a campout.
• And much MORE (Fun)
BALOO Training Registration Form
September 24, 2016; McKnight Park (Lunch is provided; $10 registration fee paid to Linda Veach)


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