TC is the first Eagle Scout from Burma in the last 60 years – but it wasn’t long ago that he says he was in jeopardy of potentially joining a gang. Now an assistant Scoutmaster, the Eagle says Scouting made a significant impact on his life as he adjusted to American life and learned to make positive choices in his new home.
At 11 years old, TC arrived to America with his family and says the first person he met was Bob Rollins, a Scoutmaster starting a new refugee program for Scouts. Upon meeting Bob, TC was invited to join the program and excitedly agreed. That decision helped TC acclimate to the culture and learn English.
“When there’s an opportunity to join Scouts, don’t hesitate to join, because Scouts will change your life. I guarantee that,” said TC.
Learn more about TC’s story and how Scouting has made a positive difference in his life by watching the video below.
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