First Aid merit badge extended its reign atop the charts in 2018, while the Exploration, Animation and Bugling merit badges each saw double-digit gains in popularity.

And how’s this for unusual: The exact same number of Scouts earned the Search and Rescue merit badge in 2017 and 2018: 10,107.

Those are just three of the dozens of storylines one can glean from the 2018 merit badge data, released last week by the Boy Scouts of America.

Today, let’s chop, sort and digest those numbers every which way. As always, the goal is to find trends that are interesting and informative.

At the end of this post, I’ll include the raw numbers so you can do your own spreadsheet wizardry. Leave a comment with anything cool you’re able to find.

The Actual Top 10

As usual, every merit badge on this list is required to earn the Eagle Scout award, Scouting’s highest honor.

It makes sense that these would rank highly; they’re the badges the BSA deems most important.

RankMerit Badge2018 earned
1First Aid        69,565
2Swimming        62,796
3Citizenship in the World        55,843
4Environmental Science        54,237
5Citizenship in the Nation        52,944
6Communication        51,541
7Cooking        50,185
8Camping        49,893
9Citizenship in the Community        49,863
10Personal Fitness        49,600

The Alternative Top 10

What happens when we exclude Eagle-required merit badges from the rankings?

When given the choice to earn any of the 120 non-Eagle-required merit badges, which do Scouts prefer?

I think you’ll find a common theme with these 10: They’re offered at most summer camps, giving Scouts an excellent opportunity to complete them.

RankMerit Badge2018 earned
1Fingerprinting       38,239
2Rifle Shooting       37,695
3Archery       34,487
4Leatherwork       33,740
5Wood Carving       31,910
6Kayaking       31,362
7Wilderness Survival       29,392
8Chess       28,260
9Canoeing       26,094
10Fishing       24,688

The Bottom 10

The list excludes Computers (replaced by Digital Technology in 2014) and Cinematography (replaced by Moviemaking in 2013), even though a few Scouts earned each in 2018.

How is that possible? According to the Guide to Advancement, once a Scout starts working on a merit badge, there’s no time limit for finishing — other than the Scout’s 18th birthday.

Some readers will look at the list below and say, “challenge accepted.”

Can you help get your favorite merit badge out of the bottom 10? All it takes is a few motivated merit badge counselors.

RankMerit Badge2018 earned
128Composite Materials      1,646
129Landscape Architecture       1,495
130Gardening       1,428
131Drafting       1,231
132Journalism       1,153
133American Labor       1,109
134Surveying       1,065
135Stamp Collecting       836
136 (tie)American Business       551
136 (tie)Bugling       551

Who’s up, and who’s down?

One year of numbers can’t tell the whole story. That’s why I like to compare each year’s numbers to the previous year.

When we do that, we discover which merit badges gained and lost popularity year over year.

Top 5 gains

Merit Badge20172018Rise/Fall
Exploration          2,090          3,35160.3%
Public Health          1,798          2,38232.5%
Animation          5,462          6,98127.8%
Traffic Safety          5,689          7,10024.8%
Surveying             863          1,06523.4%

I’m not surprised to see Exploration get such a big jump. As the BSA’s newest merit badge, Exploration should gain in popularity as more Scouts and leaders learn about its existence.

The Animation merit badge, meanwhile, continues its surge up the charts. It has seen double-digit gains in popularity every year since its 2015 debut.

At No. 7 in gains, Bugling merit badge just missed the top 5, but it’s worth mentioning. The badge saw a 21.4 percent popularity jump from 2017 to 2018, meaning that many more campsites were filled with the sweet sounds of bugles last year.

Top 5 losses

Merit Badge20172018Rise/Fall
Archaeology          6,876          6,056-11.9%
Stamp Collecting             954             836-12.4%
Soil and Water Conservation          9,484          8,199-13.5%
Pulp and Paper          6,879          5,911-14.1%
Backpacking          3,498          2,295-34.4%

Once again, I did not include the discontinued Computers and Cinematography merit badges in these calculations.

That’s six straight years of declining numbers for the Backpacking merit badge. To be fair, its requirements are pretty daunting. Scouts must complete three different backpacking treks of at least three days each and at least 15 miles each.

On a personal note, I’m sad to see the Pulp and Paper merit badge here.

I earned that one at the 1997 National Scout Jamboree and still remember the strange thrill of making my own paper by hand. Try that with a Kindle.

What’s my source?

So where did these numbers originate? From Local Council Charter Applications. That means they’re based on the actual number earned, not on sales of the badges. Some troops purchase extra emblems in anticipation of future badge earnings, so sales numbers can mislead.

Special thanks to the BSA’s Lynn Adcock for compiling and providing these numbers each year.

The raw data

WARNING: The following section is for stat geeks only. Do not proceed unless you’re ready to see lots of lots of numbers.

Seriously. You could be scrolling for minutes and dissecting digits for days.

Still with me?

OK, so keep heading down this rabbit hole to find:

  • The complete 2018 rankings
  • Merit badge popularity over the last five years
  • Lifetime rankings from 1911 to 2018
  • Every merit badge ranked by its percent change from 2017 to 2018

The complete 2018 rankings

What the colors mean:

  • Blue: merit badge is required for Eagle
  • Red: merit badge is considered “new” — released in 2014 or later
RankMerit Badge2018 earned
1First Aid        69,565
2Swimming        62,796
3Citizenship in the World        55,843
4Environmental Science        54,237
5Citizenship in the Nation        52,944
6Communication        51,541
7Cooking        50,185
8Camping        49,893
9Citizenship in the Community        49,863
10Personal Fitness        49,600
11Family Life        48,787
12Personal Management        48,393
13Emergency Preparedness        43,063
14Fingerprinting        38,239
15Rifle Shooting        37,695
16Archery        34,487
17Leatherwork        33,740
18Wood Carving        31,910
19Kayaking        31,362
20Wilderness Survival        29,392
21Chess        28,260
22Canoeing        26,094
23Fishing        24,688
24Art        21,793
25Lifesaving        20,952
26Shotgun Shooting        20,241
27Space Exploration        19,574
28Climbing        18,911
29Mammal Study        17,982
30Geology        17,242
31Game Design        16,020
32Indian Lore        16,003
33Astronomy        15,531
34Robotics        15,285
35Basketry        14,546
36Photography        14,161
37Pioneering        14,099
38Small Boat Sailing        13,886
39Aviation        13,745
40Geocaching        12,972
41Metalwork        12,768
42Orienteering        12,538
43Weather        12,430
44Nature        12,372
45Engineering        12,280
46Welding        11,981
47Music        11,860
48Fish & Wildlife Management        11,822
49Fire Safety        11,673
50Forestry        11,326
51Chemistry        11,140
52Automotive Maintenance        10,360
53Search and Rescue        10,107
54Electricity          9,979
55Motor Boating          9,697
56Moviemaking          9,416
57Oceanography          9,021
58Horsemanship          8,837
59Rowing          8,377
60Sculpture          8,212
61Soil and Water Conservation          8,199
62Pottery          7,890
63Digital Technology          7,857
64Electronics          7,731
65Public Speaking          7,250
66Sustainability          7,192
67Signs, Signals and Codes          7,178
68Traffic Safety          7,100
69Animation          6,981
70Snow Sports          6,961
71Salesmanship          6,936
72Railroading          6,728
73Nuclear Science          6,678
74Sports          6,594
75Crime Prevention          6,456
76Hiking          6,362
77Archaeology          6,056
78Pulp and Paper          5,911
79Scouting Heritage          5,901
80Reptile and Amphibian Study          5,786
81Cycling          5,671
82Law          5,656
83Disabilities Awareness          5,571
84American Heritage          5,530
85Radio          5,205
86Bird Study          5,101
87Woodwork          4,939
88Pets          4,890
89Fly Fishing          4,873
90Plumbing          4,862
91Genealogy          4,830
92Coin Collecting          4,726
93Programming          4,723
94Mining in Society          4,650
95Scholarship          4,433
96Collections          4,280
97Architecture          3,881
98Medicine          3,878
99Reading          3,873
100Animal Science          3,769
101Painting          3,709
102Home Repairs          3,579
103Inventing          3,494
104Entrepreneurship          3,353
105Exploration          3,351
106Graphic Arts          3,343
107Safety          3,322
108Whitewater          3,199
109Dentistry          3,110
110Golf          3,060
111Dog Care          3,025
112Water Sports          2,937
113Athletics          2,808
114Insect Study          2,716
115Veterinary Medicine          2,716
116Model Design and Building          2,674
117Energy          2,607
118Plant Science          2,569
119Textile          2,530
120American Cultures          2,519
121Public Health          2,382
122Truck Transportation          2,313
123Backpacking          2,295
124Theater          2,294
125Farm Mechanics          2,226
126Scuba Diving          2,036
127Skating          1,898
128Composite Materials          1,646
129Landscape Architecture          1,495
130Gardening          1,428
131Drafting          1,231
132Journalism          1,153
133American Labor          1,109
134Surveying          1,065
135Stamp Collecting             836
136American Business             551
137Bugling             551
138Computers             202
139Cinematography                 1

Merit badge popularity over the last five years

Sorted alphabetically.

Merit Badge20142015201620172018
American Business650             587             627             613             551
American Cultures2,174          2,233          2,218          2,298          2,519
American Heritage5,333          5,599          4,952          5,496          5,530
American Labor992          1,106             812             901          1,109
Animal Science4,042          4,414          3,852          3,848          3,769
Animation          1,099          4,637          5,462          6,981
Archaeology8,652          7,590          7,388          6,876          6,056
Archery43,238        41,879        39,419        35,301        34,487
Architecture4,019          3,362          3,230          3,654          3,881
Art25,438        24,374        22,990        21,567        21,793
Astronomy15,758        16,706        16,355        15,702        15,531
Athletics3,241          3,604          3,125          2,754          2,808
Automotive Maintenance9,763          9,961        10,748        10,205        10,360
Aviation17,522        15,170        14,477        14,347        13,745
Backpacking4,169          3,973          3,963          3,498          2,295
Basketry17,531        17,158        15,282        15,406        14,546
Bird Study5,641          5,587          5,199          4,965          5,101
Bugling606             492             479             454             551
Camping*54,265        54,342        53,534        50,871        49,893
Canoeing31,833        29,461        28,288        26,052        26,094
Chemistry10,594        10,560        10,865        10,248        11,140
Chess25,266        27,235        27,416        26,919        28,260
Cinematography4,026          1,260             841             231                 1
Citizenship in the Community*51,728        52,071        51,975        48,736        49,863
Citizenship in the Nation*56,490        57,161        57,919        52,949        52,944
Citizenship in the World*61,303        60,171        59,363        55,917        55,843
Climbing23,200        21,574        21,171        18,356        18,911
Coin Collecting5,303          4,715          4,135          3,930          4,726
Collections4,295          4,004          3,753          4,140          4,280
Communication*54,081        55,738        53,367        50,503        51,541
Composite Materials1,614          2,183          1,597          1,407          1,646
Computers12,973          1,686             354             207             202
Cooking*99,908        67,691        55,841        51,004        50,185
Crime Prevention6,917          6,581          6,178          6,721          6,456
Cycling**6,268          6,626          6,334          5,742          5,671
Dentistry3,416          3,485          2,910          3,135          3,110
Digital Technology3,014          9,383          9,344          8,768          7,857
Disabilities Awareness6,204          6,153          5,833          5,239          5,571
Dog Care2,955          2,666          2,414          2,661          3,025
Drafting1,318          1,339          1,168          1,119          1,231
Electricity10,460        10,035          9,762          9,245          9,979
Electronics8,860          8,352          7,814          7,524          7,731
Emergency Preparedness***46,069        47,879        47,004        43,351        43,063
Energy3,669          3,190          2,955          2,749          2,607
Engineering11,624        11,735        11,429        11,773        12,280
Entrepreneurship2,496          2,927          3,365          3,473          3,353
Environmental Science****67,218        63,783        60,026        55,703        54,237
Exploration               –               –          2,090          3,351
Family Life*49,516        51,008        50,177        48,774        48,787
Farm Mechanics2,486          2,244          2,368          2,307          2,226
Fingerprinting43,820        43,743        40,700        38,989        38,239
Fire Safety12,395        12,782        12,257        11,746        11,673
First Aid*80,917        80,716        75,256        69,563        69,565
Fish & Wildlife Management13,749        13,164        12,647        11,615        11,822
Fishing28,119        26,050        25,256        24,343        24,688
Fly Fishing4,537          3,981          4,577          4,597          4,873
Forestry14,465        12,905        12,519        11,456        11,326
Game Design11,853        12,313        13,689        13,810        16,020
Gardening1,641          1,582          1,375          1,450          1,428
Genealogy5,474          5,316          4,570          5,213          4,830
Geocaching16,785        15,582        15,210        12,604        12,972
Geology21,282        22,180        18,516        18,674        17,242
Golf3,955          3,826          3,605          3,248          3,060
Graphic Arts3,189          3,356          3,251          3,066          3,343
Hiking**7,344          6,967          7,485          7,084          6,362
Home Repairs3,866          3,288          3,325          3,432          3,579
Horsemanship11,905        10,878          9,457          8,641          8,837
Indian Lore22,997        22,241        18,234        17,003        16,003
Insect Study3,164          3,550          2,341          2,644          2,716
Inventing2,902          3,369          2,834          3,296          3,494
Journalism955          1,037             970          1,127          1,153
Kayaking35,533        34,054        33,137        30,466        31,362
Landscape Architecture1,496          1,434          1,494          1,483          1,495
Law5,463          5,633          5,226          5,402          5,656
Leatherwork42,565        40,805        37,920        35,490        33,740
Lifesaving***24,474        23,983        22,382        20,748        20,952
Mammal Study24,060        23,427        21,303        18,715        17,982
Medicine3,725          3,807          3,767          3,561          3,878
Metalwork12,949        12,340        12,639        12,990        12,768
Mining in Society3,519          4,613          4,224          4,673          4,650
Model Design and Building2,612          2,795          2,770          2,564          2,674
Motor Boating10,748          9,880          9,515          9,517          9,697
Moviemaking6,195        10,064        10,851          9,262          9,416
Music12,903        12,369        11,689        10,592        11,860
Nature15,046        14,679        13,635        11,586        12,372
Nuclear Science6,657          6,728          7,005          6,702          6,678
Oceanography9,991          9,892          8,499          7,763          9,021
Orienteering16,871        15,642        13,753        11,742        12,538
Painting4,346          4,245          3,829          3,222          3,709
Personal Fitness*50,693        52,499        52,079        50,428        49,600
Personal Management*48,299        51,105        50,251        49,287        48,393
Pets4,821          4,645          4,278          4,289          4,890
Photography17,804        16,931        15,142        13,550        14,161
Pioneering18,117        17,341        15,959        13,870        14,099
Plant Science2,680          2,922          2,363          2,107          2,569
Plumbing4,982          4,960          4,510          4,398          4,862
Pottery9,050          8,384          8,230          7,940          7,890
Programming2,970          3,577          4,085          4,138          4,723
Public Health1,821          1,780          1,837          1,798          2,382
Public Speaking7,091          7,793          7,497          7,035          7,250
Pulp and Paper6,250          7,379          6,081          6,879          5,911
Radio6,665          6,709          6,442          5,840          5,205
Railroading6,694          7,651          6,599          6,663          6,728
Reading4,712          4,179          3,574          3,524          3,873
Reptile and Amphibian Study7,547          6,700          6,411          6,053          5,786
Rifle Shooting45,839        43,196        41,444        37,796        37,695
Robotics13,708        13,700        14,264        15,031        15,285
Rowing10,557          9,995          9,408          8,239          8,377
Safety3,778          3,937          4,267          3,280          3,322
Salesmanship6,648          6,412          6,031          5,908          6,936
Scholarship5,362          4,911          4,316          4,171          4,433
Scouting Heritage5,572          5,558          5,266          5,916          5,901
Scuba Diving1,989          2,135          1,792          1,842          2,036
Sculpture9,887        10,042          8,900          8,715          8,212
Search and Rescue12,359        11,725        10,361        10,107        10,107
Shotgun Shooting23,970        21,895        20,912        19,703        20,241
Signs, Signals and Codes          3,453          8,025          7,364          7,178
Skating2,010          1,972          1,953          1,785          1,898
Small Boat Sailing16,511        15,092        14,108        14,182        13,886
Snow Sports8,227          7,251          7,177          7,267          6,961
Soil and Water Conservation11,296        10,437        10,341          9,484          8,199
Space Exploration22,625        21,607        20,137        18,994        19,574
Sports8,032          8,272          7,626          6,556          6,594
Stamp Collecting863             996             793             954             836
Surveying1,065             879          1,028             863          1,065
Sustainability ****5,428          6,625          6,813          7,295          7,192
Swimming**72,503        71,821        67,446        62,057        62,796
Textile3,694          3,225          2,480          2,205          2,530
Theater2,273          2,665          2,543          2,332          2,294
Traffic Safety7,088          5,604          6,072          5,689          7,100
Truck Transportation2,182          2,157          2,391          2,466          2,313
Veterinary Medicine2,875          2,764          2,580          2,451          2,716
Water Sports3,594          3,389          3,123          2,966          2,937
Weather15,846        14,622        12,665        12,690        12,430
Welding11,061        11,019        10,737        10,656        11,981
Whitewater3,565          2,888          3,476          2,832          3,199
Wilderness Survival40,395        37,581        35,221        30,814        29,392
Wood Carving38,749        36,890        34,938        32,943        31,910
Woodwork5,198          5,242          4,975          5,212          4,939
 Total   2,077,550   2,011,860   1,919,912   1,813,834   1,822,137

* On required list for Eagle Rank

** Required for Eagle (must complete Cycling, Hiking or Swimming)

*** Required for Eagle (must complete Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving)

**** Required for Eagle (must complete Environmental Science or Sustainability)

Lifetime rankings from 1911 to 2018

Two notes:

  1. This list includes only merit badges that could be earned in 2018. Sorry, but that means Poultry Farming merit badge didn’t make the cut.
  2. The rankings are interesting but don’t tell the whole story. A merit badge released more recently will rank lower than one of the original 1911 merit badges. For example, Home Repairs is No. 17 lifetime, but it was released in 1943. Kayaking is nearly nine times more popular today, but it’s only been around for six years.
RankMerit Badge1911 to 2018
1First Aid*       7,277,000
2Swimming**       6,578,887
3Camping*       4,871,352
4Cooking*       4,563,082
5Citizenship in the Community*       3,664,401
6Citizenship in the Nation*       3,425,710
7Canoeing       3,133,529
8Lifesaving***       3,125,473
9Safety       2,949,820
10Environmental Science****       2,946,336
11Personal Fitness*       2,703,833
12Fire Safety       2,656,110
13Leatherwork       2,595,034
14Basketry       2,502,267
15Citizenship in the World*       2,500,053
16Pioneering       2,474,477
17Home Repairs       2,428,794
18Wood Carving       2,424,339
19Communication*       2,267,277
20Fishing       2,089,286
21Emergency Preparedness***       2,018,626
22Personal Management*       2,011,022
23Fingerprinting       1,836,069
24Wilderness Survival       1,768,336
25Archery       1,754,930
26Rowing       1,753,857
27Nature       1,717,714
28Public Health       1,525,442
29Reading       1,498,194
30Rifle Shooting       1,488,110
31Art       1,399,534
32Music       1,365,267
33Family Life*       1,359,091
34Hiking**       1,358,115
35Scholarship       1,294,545
36Mammal Study       1,276,775
37Indian Lore       1,271,349
38Forestry       1,199,151
39Metalwork       1,185,376
40Sports       1,174,437
41Soil and Water Conservation       1,160,706
42Athletics       1,077,296
43Woodwork          992,294
44Orienteering          870,816
45Electricity          843,826
46Geology          723,734
47Small Boat Sailing          709,577
48Astronomy          703,548
49Fish & Wildlife Management          702,456
50Horsemanship          679,532
51Pets          676,765
52Reptile and Amphibian Study          673,052
53Public Speaking          672,078
54Aviation          662,236
55Space Exploration          640,183
56Weather          630,365
57Motor Boating          624,947
58Bird Study          603,037
59Shotgun Shooting          603,031
60Cycling**          599,551
61Painting          577,129
62Photography          565,293
63Computers          521,257
64Coin Collecting          514,650
65Climbing          496,522
66Snow Sports          479,874
67Dog Care          442,228
68Pottery          416,395
69Plumbing          410,108
70Gardening          393,348
71Chemistry          393,276
72Stamp Collecting          393,086
73Salesmanship          350,117
74Sculpture          338,277
75Oceanography          323,521
76Railroading          264,996
77Water Sports          262,469
78Genealogy          251,567
79Electronics          247,926
80Model Design and Building          230,979
81Architecture          230,572
82Farm Mechanics          229,947
83Drafting          229,515
84Backpacking          228,005
85Kayaking          222,534
86Automotive Maintenance          208,359
87Law          206,682
88Nuclear Science          200,849
89Chess          197,711
90Radio          196,678
91Engineering          193,753
92Archaeology          183,900
93Traffic Safety          182,036
94Skating          180,968
95Golf          180,509
96American Heritage          180,398
97Insect Study          176,334
98Bugling          172,050
99Crime Prevention          162,604
100Collections          158,035
101Surveying          155,483
102Textile          153,450
103Dentistry          148,024
104Truck Transportation          146,904
105Disabilities Awareness          144,272
106Pulp and Paper          140,857
107Geocaching          132,847
108Journalism          110,669
109Cinematography          106,448
110Robotics          104,058
111Whitewater          100,847
112Theater            93,496
113Energy            91,894
114Landscape Architecture            87,617
115Medicine            87,561
116Veterinary Medicine            86,596
117American Cultures            77,037
118Animal Science            76,960
119Welding            70,395
120Game Design            70,342
121Search and Rescue            65,936
122Graphic Arts            63,959
123American Business            55,518
124Plant Science            54,762
125Scouting Heritage            49,488
126Moviemaking            45,788
127Fly Fishing            45,207
128Digital Technology            38,366
129Entrepreneurship            35,560
130Sustainability ****            33,943
131American Labor            26,736
132Signs, Signals and Codes            26,020
133Inventing            24,086
134Mining in Society            21,679
135Scuba Diving            20,865
136Composite Materials            20,078
137Programming            19,973
138Animation            18,179
139Exploration              5,441

Every merit badge ranked by its percent change from 2017 to 2018


Merit Badge20172018Rise/Fall
Exploration          2,090          3,35160.3%
Public Health          1,798          2,38232.5%
Animation          5,462          6,98127.8%
Traffic Safety          5,689          7,10024.8%
Surveying             863          1,06523.4%
American Labor             901          1,10923.1%
Plant Science          2,107          2,56921.9%
Bugling             454             55121.4%
Coin Collecting          3,930          4,72620.3%
Salesmanship          5,908          6,93617.4%
Composite Materials          1,407          1,64617.0%
Oceanography          7,763          9,02116.2%
Game Design        13,810        16,02016.0%
Painting          3,222          3,70915.1%
Textile          2,205          2,53014.7%
Programming          4,138          4,72314.1%
Pets          4,289          4,89014.0%
Dog Care          2,661          3,02513.7%
Whitewater          2,832          3,19913.0%
Welding        10,656        11,98112.4%
Music        10,592        11,86012.0%
Veterinary Medicine          2,451          2,71610.8%
Plumbing          4,398          4,86210.6%
Scuba Diving          1,842          2,03610.5%
Drafting          1,119          1,23110.0%
Reading          3,524          3,8739.9%
American Cultures          2,298          2,5199.6%
Graphic Arts          3,066          3,3439.0%
Medicine          3,561          3,8788.9%
Chemistry        10,248        11,1408.7%
Electricity          9,245          9,9797.9%
Nature        11,586        12,3726.8%
Orienteering        11,742        12,5386.8%
Disabilities Awareness          5,239          5,5716.3%
Skating          1,785          1,8986.3%
Scholarship          4,171          4,4336.3%
Architecture          3,654          3,8816.2%
Inventing          3,296          3,4946.0%
Fly Fishing          4,597          4,8736.0%
Chess        26,919        28,2605.0%
Law          5,402          5,6564.7%
Photography        13,550        14,1614.5%
Engineering        11,773        12,2804.3%
Model Design and Building          2,564          2,6744.3%
Home Repairs          3,432          3,5794.3%
Collections          4,140          4,2803.4%
Public Speaking          7,035          7,2503.1%
Space Exploration        18,994        19,5743.1%
Climbing        18,356        18,9113.0%
Kayaking        30,466        31,3622.9%
Geocaching        12,604        12,9722.9%
Electronics          7,524          7,7312.8%
Bird Study          4,965          5,1012.7%
Shotgun Shooting        19,703        20,2412.7%
Insect Study          2,644          2,7162.7%
Citizenship in the Community*        48,736        49,8632.3%
Journalism          1,127          1,1532.3%
Horsemanship          8,641          8,8372.3%
Communication*        50,503        51,5412.1%
Athletics          2,754          2,8082.0%
Motor Boating          9,517          9,6971.9%
Fish & Wildlife Management        11,615        11,8221.8%
Robotics        15,031        15,2851.7%
Rowing          8,239          8,3771.7%
Moviemaking          9,262          9,4161.7%
Pioneering        13,870        14,0991.7%
Automotive Maintenance        10,205        10,3601.5%
Fishing        24,343        24,6881.4%
Safety          3,280          3,3221.3%
Swimming**        62,057        62,7961.2%
Art        21,567        21,7931.0%
Lifesaving***        20,748        20,9521.0%
Railroading          6,663          6,7281.0%
Landscape Architecture          1,483          1,4950.8%
American Heritage          5,496          5,5300.6%
Sports          6,556          6,5940.6%
Canoeing        26,052        26,0940.2%
Family Life*        48,774        48,7870.0%
First Aid*        69,563        69,5650.0%
Search and Rescue        10,107        10,1070.0%
Citizenship in the Nation*        52,949        52,9440.0%
Citizenship in the World*        55,917        55,843-0.1%
Scouting Heritage          5,916          5,901-0.3%
Rifle Shooting        37,796        37,695-0.3%
Nuclear Science          6,702          6,678-0.4%
Mining in Society          4,673          4,650-0.5%
Fire Safety        11,746        11,673-0.6%
Pottery          7,940          7,890-0.6%
Emergency Preparedness***        43,351        43,063-0.7%
Dentistry          3,135          3,110-0.8%
Water Sports          2,966          2,937-1.0%
Astronomy        15,702        15,531-1.1%
Forestry        11,456        11,326-1.1%
Cycling**          5,742          5,671-1.2%
Sustainability ****          7,295          7,192-1.4%
Gardening          1,450          1,428-1.5%
Cooking*        51,004        50,185-1.6%
Theater          2,332          2,294-1.6%
Personal Fitness*        50,428        49,600-1.6%
Metalwork        12,990        12,768-1.7%
Personal Management*        49,287        48,393-1.8%
Camping*        50,871        49,893-1.9%
Fingerprinting        38,989        38,239-1.9%
Weather        12,690        12,430-2.0%
Animal Science          3,848          3,769-2.1%
Small Boat Sailing        14,182        13,886-2.1%
Archery        35,301        34,487-2.3%
Computers             207             202-2.4%
Signs, Signals and Codes          7,364          7,178-2.5%
Environmental Science****        55,703        54,237-2.6%
Wood Carving        32,943        31,910-3.1%
Entrepreneurship          3,473          3,353-3.5%
Farm Mechanics          2,307          2,226-3.5%
Mammal Study        18,715        17,982-3.9%
Crime Prevention          6,721          6,456-3.9%
Aviation        14,347        13,745-4.2%
Snow Sports          7,267          6,961-4.2%
Reptile and Amphibian Study          6,053          5,786-4.4%
Wilderness Survival        30,814        29,392-4.6%
Leatherwork        35,490        33,740-4.9%
Energy          2,749          2,607-5.2%
Woodwork          5,212          4,939-5.2%
Basketry        15,406        14,546-5.6%
Sculpture          8,715          8,212-5.8%
Golf          3,248          3,060-5.8%
Indian Lore        17,003        16,003-5.9%
Truck Transportation          2,466          2,313-6.2%
Genealogy          5,213          4,830-7.3%
Geology        18,674        17,242-7.7%
American Business             613             551-10.1%
Hiking**          7,084          6,362-10.2%
Radio          5,840          5,205-10.9%
Archaeology          6,876          6,056-11.9%
Stamp Collecting             954             836-12.4%
Soil and Water Conservation          9,484          8,199-13.5%
Pulp and Paper          6,879          5,911-14.1%
Backpacking          3,498          2,295-34.4%

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